Sun Kissed December
Sun Kissed December

9"x14", Oil on Linen $1,200


SOLD - Crossing Midwinter
SOLD - Crossing Midwinter

9”x14”, Oil on Linen, $1200


Sun Drenched
Sun Drenched

6×8, Oil on Linen, $500


Tucked In
Tucked In
Fleeting Frost and Farm
Fleeting Frost and Farm

12”x16, Oil on Linen $1,400


March Morning
March Morning

24”x36”, Oil on Linen, $4,400


Deep Summer
Deep Summer

14”x18”, Oil on Canvas, $1,800


The Red Green Show
The Red Green Show

8"x10", Oil on Linen, $900


Red Wing 2024 Plein Air

Settling into Evening
Settling into Evening

12"x16", Oil on Linen $1,400


“Settling into Evening” was painted below the dam across the Otter Tail River. It shows the sun setting as it shines its last light upon the regal and well-preserved Phelps Mill.

MPAC Exhibit at Marshall Area Fine Arts Council

Marshall Area Fine Arts Council
109 N 3rd St # 1
​Marshall, MN 56258

Exhibit Dates: January 21–March 14, 2025
Opening Reception: February 1, 2025, 1:00-3:00pm

Prairie Lakes Plein Air 2024

Floating Above Frontenac
Floating Above Frontenac

12”x16”, Oil on Linen, $1400


MPAC Exhibit at Marshall Area Fine Arts Council

Marshall Area Fine Arts Council
109 N 3rd St # 1
​Marshall, MN 56258

Exhibit Dates: January 21–March 14, 2025
Opening Reception: February 1, 2025, 1:00-3:00pm

Frosted Fields
Frosted Fields

9”x12”, Oil on Linen, $1,100


Late Bloomers
Late Bloomers

8”x12”, Oil on Linen, $1,000


“Late Bloomers” was created in western Otter Tail County on a bright August morning along County Road 21. I loved the flow of flowers from the barn across the prairie to Lake Moen.

Prairie Lakes Plein Air 2024

Regal in the Rain
Regal in the Rain

10"x8", Oil on Linen, $900


Red Wing 2024 Plein Air

Soft Sunset
Soft Sunset

16"x20", Oil on Linen, $2,200


Above an expanse of prairie, this one-room schoolhouse offered a glimpse of the past through the contemporary lens with the hole in the roof, boarded-up windows, and tired paint. But the way the last light of the day skipped across the chipped and peeling paint had me reaching for my softer brushes and more luminous colors so that the action of my hand could gently move with the light.

Prairie Lakes Plein Air 2024

Tank Goodness
Tank Goodness

6"x8", Oil on Linen

Red Wing Plein Air 2024

We were given 2 hours, but I started over, giving myself little over an hour!


Light Rail
Light Rail

30”x40”, Oil on Linen, $7,200

I was so struck by the light spilling through skyway and across the rail lines. The complimentary colors and temps in the shadow sides of the glass and stone buildings all offered a remarkable challenge to be knitted together and filled with reflected light.

Monday Morning
Monday Morning

9”x14”, Oil on Linen, $1,200


Patrician Gallery

1135 Central Avenue

Wilmette, IL 60091

Created during the Door County Plein Air Festival, 2022

Winding Home
Winding Home

9”x14”, Oil on Linen, $1,200


Patrician Gallery

1135 Central Avenue

Wilmette, IL 60091

Golden Glare
Golden Glare

16”x20”, Oil on Linen, $2,500



Five Brothers
Five Brothers

9”x12”, Oil on Linen, $1,100

Door County Plein Air Festival, 2021


Sundown in the Valley
Sundown in the Valley

9"x12", Oil on Linen, $800

Summer Rhythms
Summer Rhythms

8”x10”, Oil on Linen, $900


Patrician Gallery

1135 Central Avenue

Wilmette, IL 60091

A Hush Above the Rush
A Hush Above the Rush

14’x18”, Oil on Linen, $1,600


_ _ _ _

Minnesota Plein Air Collective

Bell Museum: MPAC Moments of Memory

_ _ _ _

Red Wing Plein Air, 2023

Autumn Evening
Autumn Evening

14”x18”, Oil on Linen, $1,600


Created During Red Wing Arts Plein Air Autumn Invitational, 2020

Sun on the Tracks
Sun on the Tracks

9”x14”, Oil on Linen


- - - -

Minnesota Marine Art Museum, 2023

Plein Air Exhibition

Surrendering by the Sun
Surrendering by the Sun

9”x12”, Oil on Linen, $1,100


Crossing Seasons, Two Harbors
Crossing Seasons, Two Harbors

11”x14”, Oil on Linen, $1,300


Winter is losing its hold in the strong afternoon sun.

Hoppers along Hiawatha
Hoppers along Hiawatha

18”x24”, Oil on Linen, $2,800

All of these seemingly common things move our eye around the painting, inviting us to be present to our time and place.

Bales and Birches
Bales and Birches

12"x16", Oil on Line, $1100


Otto Ave, Autumn
Otto Ave, Autumn

12”x18”, Oil on Linen, $1,200

Autumn on The Shoreline Bridge
Autumn on The Shoreline Bridge

14”x 11”, Oil on Linen, $900


Retired Siding in the Spotlight
Retired Siding in the Spotlight

16”x20”, Oil on Linen, $2,200

Far as I could tell, this may be the northern most rail line along the north shore. The old ties spoke to the history of the place.

Below Ely's Peak
Below Ely's Peak

16”x12”, Oil on Linen, $1,200


Painted just south of Duluth on a cloudy day where it felt like all the colors to come to play.

Evening on the Isthmus
Evening on the Isthmus

8”x10”, Oil on Linen, $700

Groveland Gallery

Gusty Morning
Gusty Morning

8”x10”, Oil on Linen, $700

Groveland Gallery

Fall Carpet
Fall Carpet

12”x16’, Oil on Linen, $1,200


After the Wind
After the Wind

12”x16”, Oil on Linen, $1,400

Groveland Gallery

Watson & West Seventh
Watson & West Seventh

18" x24”, Oil on Linen, $2,800

Former Minneapolis Mayor RT Rybak, @rtrybak, emailed me after he saw this painting. He said,” It reminds me of many fall days door knocking neighborhoods like Seward and Northeast. Too many people pass in and out of these scenes without seeing what is special.”

.Thanking him, I wrote back and shared this story:

"That piece was painted on location this past fall. Early in the process, I noticed a grandmother and her granddaughter watching me. I turned and wished them a ”good morning.” Then Grandma introduced her granddaughter as an 'artist' and went on to tell me how she indeed prefers making art to nearly everything else - books, TV, iPad, etc... So I invited the peanut to “help”

I work on the painting. I lowered the easel to where she could work and briefly shared what I was looking at and thinking about.

We mixed up some paint, and then, with the biggest brush, she made the shadows fall across the street. She was wonderfully locked in on where and how the end of that brush was moving across the canvas.

There’s always time to make someone else’s day - just like the Mayor and the peanut made mine.

Winter Ruins
Winter Ruins

11”x14”, Oil on Linen, $1,100

Available @ Lanesboro Arts

Read Forgotten Minnesota’s story of the Archibald Mill

Pickwick Mill
Pickwick Mill

16"x20", Oil on Linen, $2,200


Into the Cool
Into the Cool

8”x12”, Oil on Linen, $850


This is a 50/50 plein air/studio painting. It was a very hot and humid day, and I wasn’t the only person looking to beat the heat in downtown Minneapolis, and it was time to move on. I remember how the place came to life with ambient light, perspective, and design. It felt like a math problem solved in poetry.

Pump House
Pump House

7"x9", Oil on Linen, $700

Hops and Hay Bales
Hops and Hay Bales

8"x10", Oil on Linen, $800

Minnehaha Falls
Minnehaha Falls

18”x24”, Oil on Linen, 2,800

Evening Alley
Evening Alley

9”x12”, Oil on Linen, $900


Winnewissa Falls
Winnewissa Falls

9”x12”, Oil on Linen, $900


Winnewissa falls feels like an oasis, in an otherwise expansive prairie landscape. Ancient faces emerge from the stone formations around the site. Were they living, they’d belong to giants. I felt small, and grateful to be allowed to paint by that same stream.

“For countless generations, American Indians have quarried the red pipestone found at this site. These grounds are sacred to many people because the pipestone quarried here is carved into pipes used for prayer.” Learn More on the National Parks website.

Before the Snow
Before the Snow

8”x12”, Oil on Linen, $1100



12”x16”, Oil on Linen


Spring Contours
Spring Contours

12”x16”, Oil on Linen, $1,100

Pine Creek Pirouette
Pine Creek Pirouette

9"x12", Oil on Linen, $900

"Just the Shed Remains"
"Just the Shed Remains"

18"x24", Oil on Linen, $2,800


"Just the Northside" (Copy)
"Just the Northside" (Copy)

6”x8”, Oil on Linen, $500

Inquire @ Groveland Gallery

Calling it a Day
Calling it a Day

12"x9", Oil on Linen, $800

Below a Rising Sky
Below a Rising Sky

9"x12", Oil on Linen, $800

San Juans Hen House
San Juans Hen House

12"x16", Oil on Linen, $1,400

Cochrane Compliments
Cochrane Compliments

9”x12”, Oil on Linen, $900

"Three Sisters in a Breeze"
"Three Sisters in a Breeze"

12"x20", Oil on Linen, $1,600

"Blowing Out"
"Blowing Out"

8"x10" Oil on Linen, $700

"Early Evening Shadows"
"Early Evening Shadows"

  9"x12" Oil on Linen, $800

Thirty Mile Thunderheads
Thirty Mile Thunderheads

8"x10", Oil on Linen, $700

Bookend Skyline
Bookend Skyline

12”x16”, Oil on Linen, $1,200


Autumn Outcropping
Autumn Outcropping

8”x10”, Oil on Linen, $700

Mobile Manner
Mobile Manner

9”x12”, Oil on Linen, $800

Cascade River
Cascade River

11”x14”, Oil on Linen, $900

This is a memory painting, reflecting upon a winter hike I did with a friend along the Cascade River.

Opening Day
Opening Day

12”x16”, Oil on Linen, $1100

The air around Lake Pepin was filled with melting snow and light.


6”x8”, Oil on Linen, $400

Groveland Gallery

August Apple
August Apple

9"x12", Oil on Linen, $800

Owatonna Hoppers
Owatonna Hoppers

11”x14”, Oil on Linen $1,300


First Baptist Flurries
First Baptist Flurries

6”x8”, Oil on Linen, $400

Groveland Gallery

Touching Twilight
Touching Twilight

9”x12”, Oil on Linen, $800

Groveland Gallery

Headin' Home
Headin' Home

11”x14”, Oil on Linen, $1,100


Day Break on a Back Water
Day Break on a Back Water

12"x18", Oil on Linen, $1,400, 2015


Plein Air & Studio piece created while an Artist in Residence with the Science Museum of Minnesota’s St Croix Watershed Research Station.

Blowing Out
Blowing Out

8"x10", Oil on Linen, $900, 2015


Plein Air & Studio piece created while an Artist in Residence with the Science Museum of Minnesota’s St Croix Watershed Research Station.

Burning Through
Burning Through

11"x14", Oil on Linen, $1,200, 2015


Plein Air & Studio piece created while an Artist in Residence with the Science Museum of Minnesota’s St Croix Watershed Research Station.


12"x16", Oil on Linen, $1,400, 2015


Plein Air & Studio piece created while an Artist in Residence with the Science Museum of Minnesota’s St Croix Watershed Research Station.


9"x12", Oil on Line, $800

Inquire On Display at Woodgrove Dental

Above it All
Above it All

12"x16", Oil on Linen, $1,100

Inquire On Display at Woodgrove Dental

Sheep and Shadows
Sheep and Shadows

12”x16”, Oil on Linen $1,400

Inquire On Display at Woodgrove Dental

Spring Trestle
Spring Trestle

9“x12”, Oil on Linen, $1,100

Inquire On Display at Woodgrove Dental

Last of an Autumn Snow
Last of an Autumn Snow

9”x12”, Oil on Linen, $1,100

Inquire on Display at Woodgrove Dental

Created During Red Wing Arts Plein Air Autumn Invitational

Early May Evening
Early May Evening

12”x16”, Oil on Linen, $1,400

Inquire On Display at Woodgrove Dental

Winter's End
Winter's End

12”x16”, Oil on Linen, $1,400

Inquire On Display at Woodgrove Dental

Autumn Shed
Autumn Shed

12”x16”, Oil on Linen, $1,400

Inquire On Display at Woodgrove Dental

A Humid Start
A Humid Start

9"x12", Oil on Linen, $800

Inqure On Display at Woodgrove Dental

"Spring Backwater"
"Spring Backwater"

8"x10", Oil on Linen, $700

Inquire on Display at Woodgrove Dental

Afternoon & Evening
Afternoon & Evening

9”x12”, oil on linen


It is funny how sometimes the simplest thing can put you in a time machine. I grew up on roads like this. Riding my bike to a friend’s, or going to the store. The closest one was 3 miles away. In middle school that seemed like The Tour de France. There’s nothing special about these roads until you think about all the people that live in one direction or the other. Or how these two roads were probably gravel when the barn was built. Do you see the barn? Just beyond the field, there’s a barn peeking out from under the tree line. It reminded me of a dog that knew it was in trouble or a toddler that doesn’t quite get how to play hide and seek. Beyond the barn, the road gently rises through the cast shadows of trees and phone poles. Behind me, Andy Evansen is creating a poem of a backlit cow in a midsummer pasture.

Early Fall Flowers
Early Fall Flowers

12"x16", Oil on Linen, $1,400

Inquire On Display at Woodgrove Dental

Sun Kissed December
SOLD - Crossing Midwinter
Sun Drenched
Tucked In
Fleeting Frost and Farm
March Morning
Deep Summer
The Red Green Show
Settling into Evening
Floating Above Frontenac
Frosted Fields
Late Bloomers
Regal in the Rain
Soft Sunset
Tank Goodness
Light Rail
Monday Morning
Winding Home
Golden Glare
Five Brothers
Sundown in the Valley
Summer Rhythms
A Hush Above the Rush
Autumn Evening
Sun on the Tracks
Surrendering by the Sun
Crossing Seasons, Two Harbors
Hoppers along Hiawatha
Bales and Birches
Otto Ave, Autumn
Autumn on The Shoreline Bridge
Retired Siding in the Spotlight
Below Ely's Peak
Evening on the Isthmus
Gusty Morning
Fall Carpet
After the Wind
Watson & West Seventh
Winter Ruins
Pickwick Mill
Into the Cool
Pump House
Hops and Hay Bales
Minnehaha Falls
Evening Alley
Winnewissa Falls
Before the Snow
Spring Contours
Pine Creek Pirouette
"Just the Shed Remains"
"Just the Northside" (Copy)
Calling it a Day
Below a Rising Sky
San Juans Hen House
Cochrane Compliments
"Three Sisters in a Breeze"
"Blowing Out"
"Early Evening Shadows"
Thirty Mile Thunderheads
Bookend Skyline
Autumn Outcropping
Mobile Manner
Cascade River
Opening Day
August Apple
Owatonna Hoppers
First Baptist Flurries
Touching Twilight
Headin' Home
Day Break on a Back Water
Blowing Out
Burning Through
Above it All
Sheep and Shadows
Spring Trestle
Last of an Autumn Snow
Early May Evening
Winter's End
Autumn Shed
A Humid Start
"Spring Backwater"
Afternoon & Evening
Early Fall Flowers
Sun Kissed December

9"x14", Oil on Linen $1,200


SOLD - Crossing Midwinter

9”x14”, Oil on Linen, $1200


Sun Drenched

6×8, Oil on Linen, $500


Tucked In
Fleeting Frost and Farm

12”x16, Oil on Linen $1,400


March Morning

24”x36”, Oil on Linen, $4,400


Deep Summer

14”x18”, Oil on Canvas, $1,800


The Red Green Show

8"x10", Oil on Linen, $900


Red Wing 2024 Plein Air

Settling into Evening

12"x16", Oil on Linen $1,400


“Settling into Evening” was painted below the dam across the Otter Tail River. It shows the sun setting as it shines its last light upon the regal and well-preserved Phelps Mill.

MPAC Exhibit at Marshall Area Fine Arts Council

Marshall Area Fine Arts Council
109 N 3rd St # 1
​Marshall, MN 56258

Exhibit Dates: January 21–March 14, 2025
Opening Reception: February 1, 2025, 1:00-3:00pm

Prairie Lakes Plein Air 2024

Floating Above Frontenac

12”x16”, Oil on Linen, $1400


MPAC Exhibit at Marshall Area Fine Arts Council

Marshall Area Fine Arts Council
109 N 3rd St # 1
​Marshall, MN 56258

Exhibit Dates: January 21–March 14, 2025
Opening Reception: February 1, 2025, 1:00-3:00pm

Frosted Fields

9”x12”, Oil on Linen, $1,100


Late Bloomers

8”x12”, Oil on Linen, $1,000


“Late Bloomers” was created in western Otter Tail County on a bright August morning along County Road 21. I loved the flow of flowers from the barn across the prairie to Lake Moen.

Prairie Lakes Plein Air 2024

Regal in the Rain

10"x8", Oil on Linen, $900


Red Wing 2024 Plein Air

Soft Sunset

16"x20", Oil on Linen, $2,200


Above an expanse of prairie, this one-room schoolhouse offered a glimpse of the past through the contemporary lens with the hole in the roof, boarded-up windows, and tired paint. But the way the last light of the day skipped across the chipped and peeling paint had me reaching for my softer brushes and more luminous colors so that the action of my hand could gently move with the light.

Prairie Lakes Plein Air 2024

Tank Goodness

6"x8", Oil on Linen

Red Wing Plein Air 2024

We were given 2 hours, but I started over, giving myself little over an hour!


Light Rail

30”x40”, Oil on Linen, $7,200

I was so struck by the light spilling through skyway and across the rail lines. The complimentary colors and temps in the shadow sides of the glass and stone buildings all offered a remarkable challenge to be knitted together and filled with reflected light.

Monday Morning

9”x14”, Oil on Linen, $1,200


Patrician Gallery

1135 Central Avenue

Wilmette, IL 60091

Created during the Door County Plein Air Festival, 2022

Winding Home

9”x14”, Oil on Linen, $1,200


Patrician Gallery

1135 Central Avenue

Wilmette, IL 60091

Golden Glare

16”x20”, Oil on Linen, $2,500



Five Brothers

9”x12”, Oil on Linen, $1,100

Door County Plein Air Festival, 2021


Sundown in the Valley

9"x12", Oil on Linen, $800

Summer Rhythms

8”x10”, Oil on Linen, $900


Patrician Gallery

1135 Central Avenue

Wilmette, IL 60091

A Hush Above the Rush

14’x18”, Oil on Linen, $1,600


_ _ _ _

Minnesota Plein Air Collective

Bell Museum: MPAC Moments of Memory

_ _ _ _

Red Wing Plein Air, 2023

Autumn Evening

14”x18”, Oil on Linen, $1,600


Created During Red Wing Arts Plein Air Autumn Invitational, 2020

Sun on the Tracks

9”x14”, Oil on Linen


- - - -

Minnesota Marine Art Museum, 2023

Plein Air Exhibition

Surrendering by the Sun

9”x12”, Oil on Linen, $1,100


Crossing Seasons, Two Harbors

11”x14”, Oil on Linen, $1,300


Winter is losing its hold in the strong afternoon sun.

Hoppers along Hiawatha

18”x24”, Oil on Linen, $2,800

All of these seemingly common things move our eye around the painting, inviting us to be present to our time and place.

Bales and Birches

12"x16", Oil on Line, $1100


Otto Ave, Autumn

12”x18”, Oil on Linen, $1,200

Autumn on The Shoreline Bridge

14”x 11”, Oil on Linen, $900


Retired Siding in the Spotlight

16”x20”, Oil on Linen, $2,200

Far as I could tell, this may be the northern most rail line along the north shore. The old ties spoke to the history of the place.

Below Ely's Peak

16”x12”, Oil on Linen, $1,200


Painted just south of Duluth on a cloudy day where it felt like all the colors to come to play.

Evening on the Isthmus

8”x10”, Oil on Linen, $700

Groveland Gallery

Gusty Morning

8”x10”, Oil on Linen, $700

Groveland Gallery

Fall Carpet

12”x16’, Oil on Linen, $1,200


After the Wind

12”x16”, Oil on Linen, $1,400

Groveland Gallery

Watson & West Seventh

18" x24”, Oil on Linen, $2,800

Former Minneapolis Mayor RT Rybak, @rtrybak, emailed me after he saw this painting. He said,” It reminds me of many fall days door knocking neighborhoods like Seward and Northeast. Too many people pass in and out of these scenes without seeing what is special.”

.Thanking him, I wrote back and shared this story:

"That piece was painted on location this past fall. Early in the process, I noticed a grandmother and her granddaughter watching me. I turned and wished them a ”good morning.” Then Grandma introduced her granddaughter as an 'artist' and went on to tell me how she indeed prefers making art to nearly everything else - books, TV, iPad, etc... So I invited the peanut to “help”

I work on the painting. I lowered the easel to where she could work and briefly shared what I was looking at and thinking about.

We mixed up some paint, and then, with the biggest brush, she made the shadows fall across the street. She was wonderfully locked in on where and how the end of that brush was moving across the canvas.

There’s always time to make someone else’s day - just like the Mayor and the peanut made mine.

Winter Ruins

11”x14”, Oil on Linen, $1,100

Available @ Lanesboro Arts

Read Forgotten Minnesota’s story of the Archibald Mill

Pickwick Mill

16"x20", Oil on Linen, $2,200


Into the Cool

8”x12”, Oil on Linen, $850


This is a 50/50 plein air/studio painting. It was a very hot and humid day, and I wasn’t the only person looking to beat the heat in downtown Minneapolis, and it was time to move on. I remember how the place came to life with ambient light, perspective, and design. It felt like a math problem solved in poetry.

Pump House

7"x9", Oil on Linen, $700

Hops and Hay Bales

8"x10", Oil on Linen, $800

Minnehaha Falls

18”x24”, Oil on Linen, 2,800

Evening Alley

9”x12”, Oil on Linen, $900


Winnewissa Falls

9”x12”, Oil on Linen, $900


Winnewissa falls feels like an oasis, in an otherwise expansive prairie landscape. Ancient faces emerge from the stone formations around the site. Were they living, they’d belong to giants. I felt small, and grateful to be allowed to paint by that same stream.

“For countless generations, American Indians have quarried the red pipestone found at this site. These grounds are sacred to many people because the pipestone quarried here is carved into pipes used for prayer.” Learn More on the National Parks website.

Before the Snow

8”x12”, Oil on Linen, $1100



12”x16”, Oil on Linen


Spring Contours

12”x16”, Oil on Linen, $1,100

Pine Creek Pirouette

9"x12", Oil on Linen, $900

"Just the Shed Remains"

18"x24", Oil on Linen, $2,800


"Just the Northside" (Copy)

6”x8”, Oil on Linen, $500

Inquire @ Groveland Gallery

Calling it a Day

12"x9", Oil on Linen, $800

Below a Rising Sky

9"x12", Oil on Linen, $800

San Juans Hen House

12"x16", Oil on Linen, $1,400

Cochrane Compliments

9”x12”, Oil on Linen, $900

"Three Sisters in a Breeze"

12"x20", Oil on Linen, $1,600

"Blowing Out"

8"x10" Oil on Linen, $700

"Early Evening Shadows"

  9"x12" Oil on Linen, $800

Thirty Mile Thunderheads

8"x10", Oil on Linen, $700

Bookend Skyline

12”x16”, Oil on Linen, $1,200


Autumn Outcropping

8”x10”, Oil on Linen, $700

Mobile Manner

9”x12”, Oil on Linen, $800

Cascade River

11”x14”, Oil on Linen, $900

This is a memory painting, reflecting upon a winter hike I did with a friend along the Cascade River.

Opening Day

12”x16”, Oil on Linen, $1100

The air around Lake Pepin was filled with melting snow and light.


6”x8”, Oil on Linen, $400

Groveland Gallery

August Apple

9"x12", Oil on Linen, $800

Owatonna Hoppers

11”x14”, Oil on Linen $1,300


First Baptist Flurries

6”x8”, Oil on Linen, $400

Groveland Gallery

Touching Twilight

9”x12”, Oil on Linen, $800

Groveland Gallery

Headin' Home

11”x14”, Oil on Linen, $1,100


Day Break on a Back Water

12"x18", Oil on Linen, $1,400, 2015


Plein Air & Studio piece created while an Artist in Residence with the Science Museum of Minnesota’s St Croix Watershed Research Station.

Blowing Out

8"x10", Oil on Linen, $900, 2015


Plein Air & Studio piece created while an Artist in Residence with the Science Museum of Minnesota’s St Croix Watershed Research Station.

Burning Through

11"x14", Oil on Linen, $1,200, 2015


Plein Air & Studio piece created while an Artist in Residence with the Science Museum of Minnesota’s St Croix Watershed Research Station.


12"x16", Oil on Linen, $1,400, 2015


Plein Air & Studio piece created while an Artist in Residence with the Science Museum of Minnesota’s St Croix Watershed Research Station.


9"x12", Oil on Line, $800

Inquire On Display at Woodgrove Dental

Above it All

12"x16", Oil on Linen, $1,100

Inquire On Display at Woodgrove Dental

Sheep and Shadows

12”x16”, Oil on Linen $1,400

Inquire On Display at Woodgrove Dental

Spring Trestle

9“x12”, Oil on Linen, $1,100

Inquire On Display at Woodgrove Dental

Last of an Autumn Snow

9”x12”, Oil on Linen, $1,100

Inquire on Display at Woodgrove Dental

Created During Red Wing Arts Plein Air Autumn Invitational

Early May Evening

12”x16”, Oil on Linen, $1,400

Inquire On Display at Woodgrove Dental

Winter's End

12”x16”, Oil on Linen, $1,400

Inquire On Display at Woodgrove Dental

Autumn Shed

12”x16”, Oil on Linen, $1,400

Inquire On Display at Woodgrove Dental

A Humid Start

9"x12", Oil on Linen, $800

Inqure On Display at Woodgrove Dental

"Spring Backwater"

8"x10", Oil on Linen, $700

Inquire on Display at Woodgrove Dental

Afternoon & Evening

9”x12”, oil on linen


It is funny how sometimes the simplest thing can put you in a time machine. I grew up on roads like this. Riding my bike to a friend’s, or going to the store. The closest one was 3 miles away. In middle school that seemed like The Tour de France. There’s nothing special about these roads until you think about all the people that live in one direction or the other. Or how these two roads were probably gravel when the barn was built. Do you see the barn? Just beyond the field, there’s a barn peeking out from under the tree line. It reminded me of a dog that knew it was in trouble or a toddler that doesn’t quite get how to play hide and seek. Beyond the barn, the road gently rises through the cast shadows of trees and phone poles. Behind me, Andy Evansen is creating a poem of a backlit cow in a midsummer pasture.

Early Fall Flowers

12"x16", Oil on Linen, $1,400

Inquire On Display at Woodgrove Dental

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